Was Western religious thinking ever compatible with Eastern religion and, if so, what caused the astonishing divergence of later history? What happened to one of the oldest religions in the world, belonging to the mysterious secret society known as the Illuminati, the first Grand Master of which was the demigod Pythagoras?
Is the God of Abraham actually the Devil, as the ancient Gnostics maintained? Is this planet of ours hell, ruled over by the Prince of Darkness masquerading as God?
Here is wisdom - the True God is Abraxas. His is the same message as Nietzsche's: we must learn to live beyond good and evil.
Michael Faust invites you to explore the divine order, with its most astonishing secret - that you are part of it. You always have been. But you have forgotten. That's the nature of the created world - to make us forget that we are all the Creators. Isn't it time to remember who you truly are?