Rose, the innocent princess of Greyland, has been sheltered her whole life. Her father, a heartless king, controls each and every aspect of her day-to-day activities. However, shortly after turning eighteen, Rose experiences a terrible assault that leaves her feeling helpless and alone. In response, her father plans to marry her off to an old earl in order to save both his reputation and hers. Refusing to accept this, she runs away from the palace. Rose will have to endure the pain following her attack, as well as the difficulties of being a runaway princess. She will have to rise above her former status and claim what is rightfully hers.
Abby Farnsworth is the YA paranormal and urban fantasy romance author of the EverGreen Trilogy. Her books are targeted toward teens and young adults but can be enjoyed by readers of all ages.
She enjoys traveling, history, and reading a good book. When not working on her next novel, she can be found taking long walks exploring the natural world, trying a new recipe, or singing in various ensembles.
She currently resides in West Virginia with her family but adores trips to the beach, mountains, cities, and historical landmarks.
To learn more about Abby, her books, and her current projects, take a look at the following:
Instagram: @abbyfarnsworth.writer
Facebook: @abbyfarnsworth.writer.poet