Angela McDaniel
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This is a great first book in a new series. I'm excited to see where Laurell is going to go with Havoc, Reggie, Levi, Emma, Charleston, Ravenlock, Mac 1 &2, Lila and Adam. Sure there isn't a steamy romance scene in this first story but the concept and engaging writing is more than enough to keep me entertained. The new magical system and blending of magic with mundane is wonderfully done and feels solid. If you enjoy the metaphysical & detective type stories give this a try. It will be worth the read.
Becky Baldridge
As a fan of Laurell K Hamilton, I was pretty much guaranteed to read this first in a new series - but if I hadn't been, that title would've grabbed me. A Terrible Fall of Angels! Isn't that an attention-getter? The story has an attention-getting start to match with the main character, Zaniel, at a crime scene, and there are angel feathers! Rather than spill the book's secrets, I'll stop there and focus on the fundamentals. One thing I've always liked about Hamilton is that her characters are relatable. I'm not saying that I can relate to Zaniel's job or talents, but his thoughts, his desires, his determination, those things are relatable. The story also has some interesting secondary characters that I hope to see more of as the series progresses,. I really like the premise for this series and the world the author is creating. That said, I do feel like the story is still finding its footing, so I'll be interested to see where things go from here. All in all, this first Zaniel Havelock book gives us an entertaining introduction to the character and his world. I'm not sure it's a storyline for everyone, but I enjoyed it.
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Tammy Payne (Book Nook Nuts)
A fantastic first in a new series. I fell in love with Havoc!!! He is a shredded human, on track to rebuilding his life in the Metaphysical Coordinators Unit. For those who need a little help? It's the Heaven & Hell Unit. Havoc aka Zaniel has a brutal murder to solve, a partner who may have gone crazy, and a marriage that is crumbling. He also has a demon who refuses to die. We get a mystery to solve, angels, demons, guardians and so much more intriguing things. Way to go LKH I can't wait to see who is next.
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