There are a gazillion non-fictional books about Albert Einstein. On the fictional side, he is a character in movies, plays, and operas—but you will search in vain to find a historical novel about him alone.
Unlike almost all famous people in history, Einstein has strangely remained untouched—until now.
Here is the story of Einstein’s life as reminisced by Albert himself on one day (March 21, 1955) less than a month before his death. Sitting in his study in Princeton, New Jersey he composes a condolence letter to the family of a friend who just died. In the process, he ruminates on his life: dreaming and day-dreaming, and conversing with his secretary, step-daughter, and friends who visit. He recalls the women in his life, his struggle with his Jewish identity, his progressive social and political ideas, and of course his radical scientific theories.
In this work of historical fiction—but based on extensive research—the role of music in his life and work weaves throughout the text—like a soundtrack to a movie.
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