A Sister's Promise

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Ā ā€˜A beautiful book that just oozes Indian atmosphere. It totally immerses you in the culture and makes you want to visitā€¦ I loved this book.ā€™Ā Bookworms and Shutterbugs

Two sisters. Bound by blood. Torn apart by love.
My sisterĀ ā€“ the glue that held our family together and the gatekeeper to the memories of our shared childhood.

The girlĀ I made a pact with ā€“ to protect each other for life.

The womanĀ who destroyed my family, my future.

And the only one who can save my daughter.

Set against the dramatic backdrop of India,Ā A Sisterā€™s PromiseĀ is a powerful, emotional tale of family secrets, love and the ties that bind sisters together.

What readers are saying aboutĀ A Sister's Promise
ā€˜Renita D'Silva took me on an unforgettable, mesmerising journey spanning decades and continents. I found myself completely immersed in this story feeling all sorts of emotions such as happiness, sadness and anger. Not mentioning what I felt when I reached a mind-blowing twist.ā€™Ā Relax and Read Reviews

ā€˜What I can tell you is that the bookĀ took me on a journey, one that was filled with love, laughter and sadness all wrapped up into one. Renita has a magic ability to transport you in this case from London to India. I could almost smell the smells and see the sights. From the moment I was collared I didnā€™t put the book down until I was finished.Ā I can truly say I finished this book and felt breathless it left such an impact. I love the fact that you are reading about a different culture to the one here in England and the writing and storytelling was truly magnificentā€¦ This was an exhilarating and emotional read that will leave you wanting more.ā€™Ā Best Crime Books and More

'What an utterly beautiful story written with elegance. Itā€™s a story of love, loss, sacrifice, and grace. Dā€™Silva paints a vivid picture of India: the beautiful colours, the pungent aromas, and the poverty. She will envelope you into the lives of these two women, sharing in their loss of one another.ā€™Ā Jewelā€™s Eclectic Books

ā€˜I can only describe A Sisterā€™s Promise as being a wonderfully gentle read.Ā The story is beautifully writtenĀ and though told through alternating chapters by mainly Puja, Sharda and Kushi, one of the sisters daughters, it is easy to read. Through the sisterā€™s stories we are transported to India with the heat, sounds and smells.ā€™Ā By the Letter Book Reviews

ā€˜India comes to vivid and sensual life in this book about love, betrayal and forgivenessā€™Ā Books for Avid Readers

ā€˜Renita D'Silva is a genius at evoking the sounds, sights and aromas of India.Ā A major new talentĀ - I can't wait for her next novel.' Linda KavanaghĀ 

ā€˜Renita Dā€™Silva is aĀ wonderful author who has a natural gift at storytellingĀ that truly impressed and awed me.ā€™Ā Novel EscapesĀ 

ā€˜Renita paints the most beautiful imagesĀ with a few, perfectly chosen wordsā€™.Ā KimTalksBooks.com

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