Happy Living pivots on a concept borrowed from business and manufacturing called ‘Lean.’
Happiness is what we all always crave, for happiness in life means different things to different people.
The road to happiness is health and fitness, a highly positive attitude, diet control, good relationships and unlimited love with floodgates open forever. The effects of other elements, such as stress, anger, self-management, leadership, learning, humour and lifestyles can cause a positive impact or havoc, based on the choice you prefer. High discipline and self-control will take you places.
But the world around you will make you slip to negative tracks most of the time. We have huge mountains of negativity. So sailing in a ‘positive boat’ all the time may not be possible, unless one is sharp, agile and awake all the time.
We need to clean up a lot of muck from our mind and heart with the strongest antivirus. It is not at all an easy go. Happy Living will give you the tools necessary for this task.