Tyhiasha Gardner
It's merely a book of disgusting and extreme sadistic acts. If one can stomach it then it would be worth your time. However if you're not familiar with Sade's work or time period don't bother. It will not sit with you well. Otherwise just use caution of what you will read.
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Michael Bristow
I'm glad I read this book, but it was the worst book I've ever read. It was the most disgusting, traumatic book I've read. I was happy that he didn't finish writing the end to this book because it was hard enough getting through what was written. It is definitely not for the faint of heart... I'm still a little traumatized when I think about it.
Philip Davies
There is little literary value here, the "story" revolves around 4 very rich men, who through their wealth are able to act without reprisal, and engage in a sadistic orgy to appease their own deviant desires. While the book tries to shock as it brings up ever more depraved acts, it gets pretty repetitive. The author portrays the 4 men as beasts, though it is he himself who comes across as the sickest, using the novel as a vehicle for his own depraved fantasy's.
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