I am Anirudh Sethi hailing from Baroda, Gujarat, Western part of India. I am primarily a Technical Analyst and forecasting price-trends since years with very high degree of accuracy for stocks, commodities, currencies and all markets. My web-site www.anirudhsethireport.com is highly viewed and majority of traders in India will not trade without going through my blog.
My website also contains plenty of material on Investor/Trader psychology because I believe and experienced that despite best forecasts in advance, most of the traders will mishandle the trade and end-up losing because they don’t train their psyche properly. To help them get oriented, I collect lot of stuff from varied sources of existing information and load into my blog as regularly as possible. Many of the blog viewers have time and again requested me to compile them into a book form. Their appeals and my efforts have resulted into this book.
I dedicate this book to the intellect of scores of genius investors & traders all over the world who have selflessly shared their knowledge and expertise through these quotes.
- See more at: https://notionpress.com/read/