Witness Partners Audio

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Latest release: March 19, 2023
Futuristic · Protestant · Fantasy

About this audiobook series

Unlike similar books, there are no people disappearing with their clothing neatly folded up. This is not a love story. Every country in the world and their leaders are put on notice once Enoch and Elijah arrive. The Seven Seals, The Seven Trumpets and The Seven Bowls are woven into the story as non-Christians experience the wrath of God. Major political leaders from, America, Russia, China, Japan, Egypt, Iran, Israel, and others line behind one charismatic leader who leads them down the paths of evil. The media are bought and paid for but one. Enoch protects this network and, with help from heaven itself, keeps them on the air. Elijah confronts the leaders of Israel from the Prime Minister to the Knesset and Mossad as to their role in these last days as he fights to build the Third Temple.

We have held nothing back. Nothing!