The United States is building the largest debt mountain in history and Britain is still borrowing. How will these debts affect your family and will our nations still be paying them off in the 2080s?
In this book the author explains how and why this debt time bomb was created, the spiritual roots of this crisis, and the harsh implications for Western defence and global stability. What went wrong and can we do anything about it?
Paul Backholer is the co-founder and global director of ByFaith Media ( Paul is an author, broadcaster, explorer and analyst who has appeared on Christian channels globally. As a faith-based documentary maker, he also produces and co-presents ByFaith TV.
Born in the 1970s and converted in the 80s, he received his call as a teenager after an encounter with the Holy Spirit, ushering him to commit his life to serve the Lord Jesus Christ. He studied theology at Bible College, where he later served as a staff member and an itinerate preacher. Since then he has travelled to over forty nations working with Christian projects and charities.
As a Bible-believing Christian, he is committed to the integrity of Scripture and faithfulness to it. His books are birthed from studies and his relationship with the Lord, and cover a variety of subjects, including walking closely with God, knowing the Holy Spirit, prophetic revelations grounded in Scripture, biblical archaeology and Christian history.