All of the Osho audiobooks are created from his extemporaneous talks, and in this selection they reflect the intimate setting in which they were given, with small audiences of those gathered in the Oregon commune around him. Everything is on the table - belief in God, the meaning of compassion, what happens when we die. In sharing stories from his own life, bringing new insights to old parables, and challenging his listeners to examine their own conscious and unconscious beliefs, he begins to create a new and more authentic "narrative" about what we human beings are doing on this planet, and why we are here.
This audiobook is a selection of talks (Chapters 11-14, 16, 17, 20, 23, 26, 29) from an original series previously published as From Personality to Individuality by Osho, given to a live audience.
©1985 Osho International Foundation ℗ 2024 Osho International Foundation
Osho, known for his revolutionary contribution to the science of inner transformation, continues to inspire millions of people worldwide in their search to define a new approach to individual spirituality that is self-directed and responsive to the everyday challenges of contemporary life.
The Sunday Times of London named him one of the '1,000 Makers of the Twentieth Century,' and novelist Tom Robbins called him 'the most dangerous man since Jesus Christ.'
For more information about Osho and his work, please visit
Osho's teachings defy categorization, covering everything from the individual quest for meaning to the most urgent social and political issues facing individuals and society today. His unique "Osho Active Meditations" are designed to first release the accumulated stresses of body and mind, so that it is easier to experience the thought-free and relaxed state of meditation. ( Meditation -The First and Last Freedom, by Osho)
About his own work Osho has said that he is helping to create the conditions for the birth of a new kind of human being. He has often characterized this new human being as " Zorba the Buddha" -- capable both of enjoying the earthy pleasures of a Zorba the Greek and the silent serenity of a Gautam Buddha.
Running like a thread through all aspects of Osho's work is a vision that encompasses both the timeless wisdom of the East and the highest potential of Western science and technology.
Biographical: Autobiography of a Spiritually Incorrect Mystic, ST. MARTIN'S Press, New York, available in multiple languages.
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