L'Ingénu by Voltaire is a satirical novella that explores the clash between innocence and the complexities of civilized society. The story follows an innocent and naïve Huron Indian who arrives in France and encounters the rigid and often hypocritical structures of 18th-century French society.
Voltaire's sharp wit and critical eye are evident throughout the narrative, as he uses the Ingénu’s simple perspective to expose the absurdities and contradictions of the society he encounters. The novella is both a critique of social and religious institutions and a commentary on the nature of human understanding and morality.
L'Ingénu is celebrated for its engaging storytelling and philosophical depth. Voltaire’s clever satire and keen observations provide readers with a thought-provoking and entertaining exploration of social norms and human behavior.
For those interested in Enlightenment literature and social critique, L'Ingénu offers a compelling and insightful read. Its blend of humor and philosophy makes it a classic work that continues to resonate with readers today.