A new edition of Sherwood Anderson's 1919 masterpiece, Winesburg, Ohio. Set in a fictional small town in Ohio modeled after Anderon's hometown, Winesburg, Ohio: A Group of Tales of Ohio Small-Town Life is a short-story cycle centered around one protagonist -- George Willard -- and his life in Winesburg, from his time as a child to his eventual adulthood when he abandons the town.
Winesburg, Ohio is considered one of the greatest and most influential works of American fiction, one of the landmark works of early American modernism and a quintessential portrait of pre-industrial small town America.
Sherwood Anderson (September 13, 1876 – March 8, 1941) was an American novelist and short story writer, known for subjective and self-revealing works. Self-educated, he rose to become a successful copywriter and business owner in Cleveland and Elyria, Ohio. In 1912, Anderson had a nervous breakdown that led him to abandon his business and family to become a writer.
At the time, he moved to Chicago and was eventually married three additional times. His most enduring work is the short-story sequence Winesburg, Ohio, which launched his career. Throughout the 1920s, Anderson published several short story collections, novels, memoirs, books of essays, and a book of poetry. Though his books sold reasonably well, Dark Laughter (1925), a novel inspired by Anderson's time in New Orleans during the 1920s, was his only bestseller.