During a near-death experience, an end-stage terminal cancer patient had a profound, emotionally transformative experience in which she let go of all fear-she rallied and became cancer free in a few short weeks. A devout woman, body twisted, wasted, and brought to the brink of death by years of multiple sclerosis, heard a Voice, stood up, and walked-she was healed in minutes. Although these and thousands of similarly amazing cases have been medically verified, most doctors and most people believe that such cases cannot be true because the science underlying modern medicine doesn't provide any explanation for how such rapid physical change could be possible. Medicine's underlying science, however, has changed little despite nearly a hundred years of breakthroughs in physics-breakthroughs that do provide scientific explanations for these cases. Modern physics' breakthroughs support millennia old spiritual traditions that suggest that not only is extraordinary, miraculous healing possible, but that we have innate soul powers-our emotions, personal beliefs, and our ability to connect to Spirit-that directly and powerfully determine our health and ability to self-heal. Modern physics and experiential spiritual traditions give us an unlimited view of health and healing that puts controllable influences, emotion, belief, and connection to Spirit, in charge.