Shadows in the Moonlight by Robert E. Howard: In this short story, Howard tells the tale of a man named Conan who finds himself in a dangerous and mysterious land, battling against monstrous enemies and rival warriors. With its evocative descriptions, vivid action scenes, and memorable characters, this story is an excellent example of Howard's talents as a writer.
Key Aspects of the Book "Shadows in the Moonlight":
Short Story: Howard's book is a short story, but one that is full of evocative descriptions and thrilling action sequences.
Imaginative World-Building: The story takes place in a mysterious and dangerous land, adding richness and depth to the narrative.
Characterization: Conan the Barbarian and the other characters in the story are complex and memorable, adding depth and richness to the story.
Robert E. Howard was an American author known for his works of pulp fiction, including his famous character Conan the Barbarian. Born in 1906, he wrote many novels, short stories, and poems during his career, achieving great success in the field of popular literature. His works are noted for their thrilling action, colorful characters, and imaginative worlds.