Hiding Sadness is a deeply moving tale of Livinin Fhost, a powerful being bound to the eternal task of safeguarding the world from sorrow and fear. Living in the mystical Forest of Life, Livinin absorbs the hidden sadness from the hearts of humankind, carrying the weight of their pain within herself. This selfless act of compassion grants peace to the world, but it comes at a tremendous cost—Livinin is trapped in a cycle of endless generations, her life stretching across the ages as she shoulders the collective grief of humanity.
With the ability to dominate both fear and peace, she stands as the world's protector, but the burden she bears is one of unimaginable solitude. Each act of kindness and every sorrow she takes on leaves her with a piece of the world's sadness, making her own heart heavier with each passing day. As she navigates this eternal journey, Livinin encounters countless souls, both living and lost, helping them heal while hiding her own anguish.
Passionate about reading and technological knowledge, the quest to improve people's lives and develop technological skills in every possible field of our lives.