Have you ever had an Astral Projection on your body?
Do you want to experience this kind of separation of body and spirit?
Astral projection, also known as Astral Travel, refers to an "Out of Body Experience" (also known as OBE) in which the astral body leaves the physical body and goes to the "astral plane." It may happen spontaneously as part of the sleep process or induced via lucid dreaming or intense meditation.
Essentially, the notion of astral projection is based on the belief that there is an "astral plane," which is one of the seven levels of existence and that people reside in the material world.
The mythicized "astral plane" is said to be the abode of more than human angels and spirits, as well as souls on their route to their next life or last resting place.
Astral projection is the individual's portal into the world of consciousness inquiry.
If you wish to have an OBE (Out of Body Experience), it is a good idea to grasp all of the hazards that come with astral projection before you do it.
Inside the book, you'll discover the following:
...As well as much more!
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