As a man always connected to God, I confess that I have been missing a book with the wisdom of the Bible, harmoni -
with the psalms and proverbs produced by the much praised kings of Israel, David and Solomon. And how good the beautiful book SALMOS REVIVIDOS has come out, by the master of letters, Dr. Wanderlino Arruda, with dozens and dozens of poems so that “they may praise the name of the Lord, now and forever and ever”.
The writer Wanderlino Arruda, due to his wide-ranging cultural skills, offers us a book that can be considered of remarkable knowledge, in the same way that King Solomon was conceptualized for his wisdom, the richest man in the universe, because he had real knowledge of the things of God.
It can also be said that the biblical knowledge of the author of this influential book has the same connotation of faith, resurrection, righteousness and infinitely profound love, masterfully described and felt in the hundred and fifty very poetic Psalms of David and in the beautiful verses of King Solomon.