Schemer Tina Vale, publisher of Corsair Books, slept her way to the top, making many enemies on the way. Now she's going after an old enemy, single mom and literary agent Jane Stuart. Nearly twenty years ago, Tina lost out to Jane when Jane married Kenneth, someone Tina wanted. Now Tina makes Jane pay for it. She cancels Jane's multi-million-dollar publishing contract with Corsair. Jane is damaged financially, but by having the past stirred up, Jane finds new heartache as she recalls her cherished memories of Kenneth who died a few years ago. Tina and Joan are both at the annual RAT Convention (Romance Authors Together), where the hotel venue is struggling to handle all the romance authors as well as this year's featured cat show. But soon Jane has more serious matters to worry about. After Tina fails to make her grand entrance at the award ceremonies, her body is discovered in the bathtub, along with one of her prized collectible vintage toasters. Tina was always the lavish spender when it came to herself, with some of her collection being worth a pretty penny, and this one sure sizzled! It was still plugged in. Who put the toaster in the bath? This time, Jane herself is a suspect.