Page By Page Inside-Out Reviews
Just when I think if she goes the way I think she will she is going to piss me off she turns the tables goes that way and makes me enjoy it. This doesn’t have as much action or darkness as the first one had but it is just as good with an ending that will lead into the next book in the series. It was hard for me to get a handle on Shariff his emotions or mind was all over the place which made it a great read. At times I didn’t care for him and others I felt sorry for him. David and Alyah story along with their friends just about broke my heart. There is a recap on the past book where my heart broke all over again for the little boy sent into the mall to find his death. I felt the pain just as much as I did in book one, I loved that little boy. Rizwan you hear a lot about but only meet him for a short time, he and his son have a lot in common. This was a suspenseful read that has drama with lots of twists and turns that I was totally hook on from one page to the next. You learn a little more about David and Ally's after the kidnapping how hard it was for them to hang on working through their problems well mostly Ally’s issues which was hard for David. This leads up to the here and now which is filled with pain, sorrow, regret and learning to live again, I guess you could stay starting over. There is a dark side but not as dark as the first book. A lot is lost but a lot is gained between these pages. The book does have a happy ending for the here and now but leaves it open to what will happen in the future. There is a love interest kind of which is done in a way that you are all for it. The writing style pulls you in with a powerful hold on your heart. It is a book you don’t want to put down. It is written in a way that it was easy to picture each scene. It wasn’t long before I became a part of the story and each character held my full attention. Ally and I had long talks as I tried to pull her one way but she was hell bent on going another. She is one stubborn woman when she makes up her mind it is made no matter how much anyone tries to talk her out of it. David and I had a few chats too, I spent some time yelling at him. He made me just about cry. As much of a heart puller as book one was this one was is as well but in a different way and for different reason. When you come to the ending you better grab some tissues it just about made me cry, in a good way. Ally really shows us what she is made of and just what the true meaning of love is. She has some very hard choices to make but never blinks once, she makes her stand and sticks with it. It has been a pleasure getting to know such a strong women who just about always puts others first. I would not trade places with her for nothing in this world. I liked, loved and adored her, she is way stronger than I will ever be. In closing if you haven’t read The Second Wife you should I picked it as my favorite read the year it came out. If you are thinking about reading The Widow’s Keep think no more pick it up and give it a read you will love it. Both of these books are a keeper and a book you will want to read again and again. From the characters to the plot it is a book worth buying. I doubt you will be able to put it down.