The Prisoner of Cimlye

Chuck Litka · Archie-এর কণ্ঠে (Google থেকে) AI-ন্যারেটেড অডিওবুক
১৯টি রিভিউ
5 ঘণ্টা 36 মিনিট
সংক্ষিপ্ত নয়
AI-এর মাধ্যমে বর্ণনা করা
রেটিং ও রিভিউ যাচাই করা হয়নি  আরও জানুন
15 মিনিট সময়ের নমুনা পেতে চান? যেকোনও সময় শুনুন, এমনকি অফলাইনে থাকলেও। 

এই অডিওবুকের বিষয়ে

The best laid plans “gang aft agley” as Robert Burns noted.

As did the hopes of Sella, Lessie, the Meys, and Taef Lang.

The Prisoner of Cimlye, a novel of some 54,000 words, is the sequel to Sailing to Redoubt. It takes up the story of Sella, Lessie, and Taef six months after the end of that first Tropic Sea novel, and ties up many of the loose ends left dangling at the close of that story.

For instance, was Lieutenant Taef Lang able to convince his commanding officer that duty required him to spend several months sailing the Tropic Sea in a 12 meter yacht with two beautiful girls – the delightful Sella and her twin sister, the less than delightful Lessie? And what did that powerful premonition Taef felt when the dour Lessie shyly waved goodbye to him foreshadow? And, of course, how did the governments of the three continents of the world react to the message that they carried back from Redoubt Island? Indeed, were Sella and Lessie able to convince their angry Grandfather to forgive them for so often making a fool of him, and welcome the new age that that message promised?

The answers to these and many other questions and mysteries can be found in the pages of The Prisoner of Cimlye, A Romance of the Tropic Sea.

Please note: A new version was uploaded on 13 January 2021. Fingers crossed, hopefully it will fix the problems downloading this book noted by some reviewers.

C. Litka writes old fashioned novels with modern sensibilities, humor, and romance. He spins tales of adventure, mystery, and travel set in richly imagined worlds, featuring casts of colorful, fully realized characters. If you seek to escape your everyday life for a few hours, you will not find better company, nor more wonderful worlds to travel and explore, than in the novels of C. Litka.

রেটিং ও পর্যালোচনাগুলি

১৯টি রিভিউ

লেখক সম্পর্কে

I  write adventure romances. Romances in the old sense of novels that depict settings and events remote from everyday life. The fact that my stories are set in imaginary times and locales, mean that they can conventionality be considered science fiction. The heart of science fiction, however, is found in short stories, and in speculating on future society and technology, which is not my focus. I write character focused novels that use imaginary locales for that remoteness from everyday life that gives them the air of those old fashioned romances.

এই অডিওবুকের রেটিং দিন

আপনার মতামত জানান।

কীভাবে শুনবেন

স্মার্টফোন এবং ট্যাবলেট
Android এবং iPad/iPhone এর জন্য Google Play বই অ্যাপ ইনস্টল করুন। এটি আপনার অ্যাকাউন্টের সাথে অটোমেটিক সিঙ্ক হয় ও আপনি অনলাইন বা অফলাইন যাই থাকুন না কেন আপনাকে পড়তে দেয়।
ল্যাপটপ ও কম্পিউটার
আপনি আপনার কম্পিউটারের ওয়েব ব্রাউজারের ব্যবহার করে Google Play তে কেনা বইগুলি পড়তে পারেন।

শ্রোতারাও পছন্দ করেছেন

C. Litka এর থেকে আরো

এই ধরণের আরও অডিওবুক