Power is what naturally results when everything needless and self-defeating is stripped out of your life. Are you prepared to dedicate thirty days to throwing off whatever conceals the greater self you have always suspected you are? If you're unsure do not even begin this book.
In The Miracle Month, Mitch Horowitz, "a cross between Aleister Crowley and Alan Watts" (Duncan Trussell), provides a thirty-day, self-enforced academy that disrupts, upends, and overthrows every social and self-imposed barrier to your innate power.
"This book," Mitch writes, "is for people who would prefer nearly any alternative than to slide back into the anxiety, self-limitations, and half-in, half-out existence that they have known until now. Does that sound extreme? It is not. It is an open door to change."
Mitch helps you "Understand Power" (Day 9), "Give Up One Thing That Causes You Pain" (Day 13), realize "You Are Not Someone Else's Decision" (Day 27), and confront the question: "Do You Enjoy Suffering?" (Day 26).
In thirty realizable, graspable steps you will reverse years of peer-enforced conformity and self-negation to become who you—rightly—sense you are.
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