The Haunted Hotel by Wilkie Collins is a gripping blend of mystery and supernatural elements, set against the backdrop of Venice. The story begins with the tumultuous relationship between Lord Montbarry and the enigmatic Countess Narona, who has recently jilted Montbarry's former fiancรฉe, Agnes Lockwood. After their marriage, Montbarry and Narona retreat to a decaying palace in Venice, where Montbarry mysteriously dies of bronchitis shortly after claiming a substantial life insurance policy.
As the narrative unfolds, Montbarry's family arrives at the newly refurbished hotel that occupies the site of his death. Unbeknownst to them, they are staying in the very room where he perished. Each family member experiences eerie phenomenaโinsomnia, nightmares, and unsettling odorsโculminating in Agnes witnessing a disembodied head descending from the ceiling.