Step into the bustling heart of New York City at the turn of the 20th century with O. Henry's captivating collection, "The Four Million." Don't be fooled by the title – this audiobook isn't about the wealthy elite. O. Henry instead delves into the lives of the city's diverse inhabitants, the everyday heroes and hustlers struggling to make it in the Big Apple. From love sacrifices in cramped apartments to cunning streetwise encounters, "The Four Million" offers a kaleidoscope of human experiences. Will you meet a resourceful young couple making a heart-warming sacrifice or a cunning trickster outsmarting the system? With each story, O. Henry paints a vivid portrait of urban life, filled with humor, pathos, and the unexpected twists that make his tales so enduring. Immerse yourself in "The Four Million" and discover the hidden stories beneath the city's glittering facade.
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