During a long season of sorrow, there were days that Suzanne Eller would whisper to herself, "Joy is more than a feeling; it is a knowing." She was learning that to keep joy in her life, she needed to sort out her feelings and what she knew to be true, starting with
● What I feel: God is disappointed when I am sad.
● What I know: God cares about how I feel.
● What I feel: I am not enough.
● What I know: God is aware of who I am becoming.
Examining six biblical truths in all, this power-packed book will help you see joy and God in a new light. Thirty practical and inspirational daily exercises are also included so you can intentionally practice these truths. If you feel sad or frustrated or angry, you're not doing something wrong. The difference comes when you ground your joy in the Source of lasting peace and learn to be a joykeeper.