Benton Bertrand is a banshee, a supernatural harbinger of doom. Each night he is plagued by terrifying dreams, prophecies of death seen through the eye of killers. And this time, the face he sees in his nightmare is his own...
After countless brushes with the paranormal, Benton returns home and struggles to reconnect with his parents. But his efforts to build a relationship with his estranged family are quickly overshadowed by another premonition of death. Something evil is stalking him. He can feel it watching, waiting, closing in.
When the vicious spirit attacks his loved ones in their own home, Benton and his parents seek refuge with his friend Nicole, in the sacred lands of the Siksika reservation. There, the two teenagers and their families must confront a horrifying secret from the past, before the deadly ghost strikes again. And they’re running out of time.
When the harvest moon rises, this evil entity will cross over into the land of the living and take on a physical form. And it needs only one thing to complete its unholy ritual...Benton Betrand’s blood.
Step into the eerie world of Scare Street, where supernatural horror and suspense await you at every turn. Our collection of ghost stories, urban legends, and haunted house stories offer the perfect mix of scary and spooky tales. Whether it's a creepy campfire classic, short horror stories, or unsettling creepypasta, our tales are crafted to bring thrills and chills that will keep you hooked.