Sheâs turned her life around...
Four years ago, Samantha Evans was easy prey for con man Louis Cantrell, who left her broke and pregnant. Now, surrounded by a loving family, her life seems to be headed in the right direction as she cares for her young daughter, pursues her dream of becoming a child welfare worker, and dreams of marrying the law student who loves her daughter like his own.
Heâs all out of faith...
A God that made the universe, absolutely. A God that hears and answers prayers, not so much. Patrick Wheeler loves Samanthaâand her little girlâbut heâs done with Christ. And when Louis shows back up in Samanthaâs life, Patrick issues an ultimatum that drives Sam away.
They need a miracle...
A tragedy followed by a surprising confrontation with God drives Patrick back to Samanthaâs side. Can he reconcile with God before Samantha and Bobbie are lost to him forever?