The Adventures of Sparky the Brave: A Tale of Friendship and Courage" is a heartwarming children's book that follows the exciting journey of Sparky, a small and determined bunny with a big heart. When Sparky's woodland friends face a mysterious challenge, he embarks on a courageous adventure to help them. Along the way, Sparky discovers the true
meaning of friendship and learns that bravery comes in all sizes. This enchanting tale is filled
with whimsical characters, magical moments, and important lessons about courage, kindness, and the power of unity. Join Sparky on an unforgettable adventure that will inspire young readers to be brave and compassionate in the face of challenges.
STEVE GONO is Certified English Tutor with over 2 years experience. He also holds a Bachelor's of laws degree. He holds a 120-hour Advanced TEFL/TESOL Certificate from TEFL Universal. My goal is to leverage my skills and knowledge to help my students succeed in achieving excellent results. I agree with learning a new language creates opportunities for people around the world. I help my students expand their possibilities through mastering English, including advancing in their profession or excelling in college. I need to make a fine impact on the future of people and hopefully inspire them to be lifelong experienced persons.