Speed reading is an ability that is vital to anyone serious about their education in any field. Whether you'd like to be very well informed about world news, or you're interested in learning a new skill, reading can help-so speed reading can help you even more.
Reading Speed is a real improvement for reading. If you speed up reading a non-fiction book, it will not only save time, but it will be more useful than reading it slowly. This is because, along with reading speed, understanding improves-as long as you know how to read speed.
It's easier to learn how to speed read than you thought. It does not take hours to listen to audiobooks or days to attend seminars-speed reading can be explained in writing perfectly well. You can learn to read speed in just one hour-start now.
By realizing exactly what it takes to read that words-these symbol, groups-it becomes possible to identify everything, and you need to do in order to be able to read. These groups of words that we call sentences are all made up of combinations of 26 identifiable squiggles that we call letters.
Speed reading is characterized by an analysis of trade-offs between speed and understanding measures, recognizing that different types of reading require different speeds and rates of understanding and that these rates can be improved with practice.
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