This exciting tale tells of the seven-year-old "man-cub" Mowgli, raised by wolves in the Indian jungle, who is kidnapped by the Bandar-log ("Monkey People) and hauled though the tree-tops to their retreat in the 'Cold Lairs'. Bagheera the leopard and Baloo the bear cannot follow so they find Kaa, the huge python and persuade him to help rescue him. Using his wits and the Master Words that introduce him to other species as a friend, Mowgli survives until his friends can reach him. When Kaa and Bagheera arrive the monkeys throw Mowgli into an abandoned house inhabited by cobras, whereupon Mowgli hastily uses the snakes' Master Word to prevent them from striking. When Baloo and Bagheera arrive, a furious battle ensues where they are close to defeat until Kaa arrives to hypnotize the Bandar-log into submission. As I said, this is an exciting and fun story told in the unique style of Kipling.