Lenore Kosinski
3.5 stars — Well, I went into this one with low expectations and it wasn’t as bad as I thought it was going to be. I mean, still not a huge Hannah fan, and that’s not just because of the voice and inflection that Ms. Munroe uses to narrate her. But I guess because I wasn’t expecting much, the good moments were pleasant surprises. Hannah is not the most likeable person, but it doesn’t mean she doesn’t have good qualities as well. In fact, her controlling tendencies come from a place of concern for the group as a whole — she really does want the beach people to thrive…she just has a problem listening when others tell her it will be okay. And I can kind of get that. It’s weird, because it takes her awhile, but she does eventually recognize a lot of her bad attitude moments. She was just so myopic and focused on everything that she had lost, she forgot to take a look around at everyone else. I was bummed about the reason she was so upset…but that’s mostly because those things aren’t something I would personally desire to that degree. Anyways, she does get a wake up call thanks to the persistence of J’shel, and his ability to see when he needed to help her see hard truths and when he needed to back off and comfort her. He was surprisingly good at that, even if he couldn’t see some of those things in his own life and the things he was hung up on. I kind of wish he’d had a bit more of an obvious aha moment about the N’dek situation, but ah well. And once Hannah stopped being a jerk, they were pretty fun together. I was worried on occasion with J’shel’s thoughts, but he recognized consent better than some humans do…he just tended to want to push, but he never went too far. I enjoyed the humour that J’shel brought to their sexy times, even if Hannah’s shock was a bit over the top at first…I got used to it eventually and it felt like their thing. I think one of the other standouts for this book that saved it was the interactions with Brooke and Taushen, and the action-y bits we got with it. I’m very curious how things are going to develop and change on the planet. So yeah. I waffled rounding up or down, but Hannah’s just never going to be a favourite so I stuck with my instincts.