Most of the world experiences life as a solid three-dimensional experience. Every grouping and religious order and cult, has its own perspective on the supposed truth.
What if I said there is no absolute truth, only a self-created reality world conceived from our own consciousness, where all lifestyles and beliefs systems are created to support this.
Osiris, the creator God of ancient Egypt and Atlantis, tells us that our world is a manifestation from consciousness and the infinite energy of the universe. That underlying everything we believe to be solid is consciousness, and we have the potential to be gods in our own right. For humanity this is very confronting, because it places the onus back on us to be solely responsible for who we are, and how we interact.
So please join us on a journey, where we will find a deeper understanding as to why we are here, and how the universe interacts with us.
Ronald lives in Cadaques Spain, author, publisher, archaeologist and historian, writes occasional fictional and sci fi, and is knowing of Gods and Goddesses, and the origin of all that is. Has an indulgent interest and understanding of Quantum physics and manifestation through consciousness.
Other Interests are painting, and renovating historical homes in Europe, and watching great droplets of rain falling on the ground after a thunderstorm over the Pyrenees.
Sussan lives in a 15th century farmhouse in Tuscany Italy