The story takes place over the course of a night in the desert city of Zamboula, with political intrigue amidst streets filled with roaming cannibals. This story also introduced a fearsome strangler named Baal-Pteor, who is one of the few humans in the Conan stories to be a physical challenge for the main character himself. In the dark streets of Zamboula, these huge ghouls stalk the streets at night seeking victims for their ghastly rites and feasts. Conan is passing through this city and nearly becomes a victim but escapes, only to rush to the aid of a beautiful, voluptuous maiden still in their horrible talons. Swords flash, thews are strained and the mighty Conan almost meets his match in the temple of the monkey god. Will he escape? Will he get the girl? If you know Conan, much blood will be spilt before this exciting tale ends and right overcomes evil. Listen and marvel! Excellent story, well told as always by Howard.