Chellappa K
When I saw this new book by James Dillehay, I immediately pre-ordered. The title, “Start A Creative Recycling Side Hustle” really appealed to my interest in my favorite things: crafting and finding ways to repurpose odd bits into useful things. When it became available on kindle I started reading right away, and Found the content very informative and inspiring. I started making a plan on how to turn my hobby into some cash! I ordered another book to give to my daughter who, like me, is trying to save the Earth and bring in some extra income! The information in the book is spot-on and direct. Gives everything you need to know to set up a business so that all you need to focus on is making your own unique craft. I definitely recommend this to anyone with an interest in being an entrepreneur and helping to save the planet. I now see all “junk” as a treasure, and feel a little better about the world we’re leaving to future generations.