"Mother, Interrupter" is a humorous short story about a mother who interrupts her son as he is in the most delicate and intimate of situations.
Alfred C. Martino is the author of the award-winning novels: Perfected By Girls, Over The End Line, and Pinned; the stage play, Waiting For A Friend; and the short stories, "Quiet Desperation," "The Date," "A Day At The Beach," "Where Am I?" "Breathing In Rio," "A Cowboy's Way," "Mother, Interrupter," "The Boy And Girl: A Parable," "Grad School Daydreams," and "I Have Never Been Murdered." Alfred is also lyricist of the goth metal song, "Curse At The Sky." A proud graduate of Duke University and The Marshall School of Business at the University of Southern California, Alfred is a native of Short Hills, NJ, and longtime resident of Jersey City, NJ, where he is doggie dad to a beautiful Shepherd rescue, Gracie.