When you enter into a relationship with someone there is a chance of you being manipulated even though you entered that relationship with pure intentions. A manipulative relationship is often one sided and unbalanced as it only advances the goal of the manipulator at the expense of the person being manipulated. Since it primarily centers on control, a manipulative relationship is an unhealthy one that can lead to emotional as well as physical abuse if left unchecked.
The way to avoid this scenario is having the ability to recognize the telltale signs of manipulative behavior with the person that you are involved with or within yourself. Once you are able to recognize manipulative behavior you can then determine the root of its underlying causes. This will allow you to effectively deal with it in your relationships.
If you are concerned that you might be caught in a manipulative relationship with your romantic partner, a loved one, your boss or anybody else this book written by author Michael Wright will help you to recognize it, navigate through it, and possibly exit it if that’s your wish.
You will learn the following:
•How to recognize the signs of manipulative behavior in a person.
•How to recognize the signs that you are being manipulated.
•The underlying causes which may be contributing to manipulative behavior.
•Personality disorders that are most commonly associated with manipulative behavior.
•Problems that can arise if you are with a manipulative person.
•The risks and dangers of staying with a highly manipulative person.
•Precise details and examples of how manipulative people operate.
•Common misconceptions and tricks that make it difficult to deal with manipulative people.
•Step by step instructions on how to get yourself out of a dangerously manipulative relationship.
And much much more.....