So, this is how it often goes... even though you feel exhausted and cannot wait to get some relaxing good night’s sleep... when you get into bed and close your eyes, you just cannot seem to turn your mind off... your body feels tense... or you find yourself waking up every hour to check your phone. In an age of information and hustle, the natural rhythm of our bodies can often be easily disturbed... Your lifestyle, daily activities, diet, and emotional or physical well-being may all play a role in your body’s natural ability to fall asleep or enjoy deep sleep. While you may not have much control over how your day goes and how much caffeine you end up consuming to meet that deadline... imagine that the minute you get into bed is when you gain complete control over your mind and body
If it is difficult for you to disconnect from the day and make the decision to surrender to your body’s natural needs, you may consider creating a relaxing nighttime routine to help you with this. This may include putting your phone away from your bed, reading a book, journaling, practicing gratitude, and listening to this deep sleep meditation and affirmations. Regardless of what this may look like for you, consider this time as an opportunity to prep your mind and body to transition from an active state of doing to a state of relaxing. Let your body know that it is time to slow down and immerse itself in deep relaxation.
Centering our attention on our body, allows us to listen to it, acknowledge it and be aware of the cues it is giving us. When we lead hectic lifestyles or go through hardships, we disconnect from our bodies. Consider that nighttime is when you give love to your body by acknowledging all the hard work it did for you throughout the day... and invite it to relax and let go. By sending your loving attention to the different parts of your body, you are communicating that it is safe to let go and move into a state of relaxation