What is true Christian revival and how can we tell the genuine from the false, the true from the spurious? Drawing from Scripture and Church history, this book will sharpen your senses and take you on a journey of discovery. Featuring:
Genuine revivals and moves of God.
Steps towards a heaven-sent revival.
How God works in revivals and awakenings.
The Church and community in times of revival.
The differences between revivals and outpourings.
Leadership, discernment and working with the Holy Spirit.
The work and ministry of the Holy Spirit in genuine revival.
Accepting God’s dynamics and rejecting the demonic.
The facts of revival and what the Scriptures declare.
The pendulum swing and characteristics of revival.
The Divine, the demonic, deception and excess.
How to handle excess and those in the flesh.
The secrets and the supernatural of revival.
Physical phenomena and conviction of sin.
What is genuine spiritual revival and how can we know truth from error, fact from fiction? With many preachers claiming to have ‘revival,’ some wanting to impart it into your life, with many evangelists, churches and conferences declaring they will have revival (so come and receive a touch), or they will impart it into your life – what is the truth? Revival Answers, True and False Revivals answers these question and many others, so we can discern genuine heaven-sent revival and not be deceived by a counterfeit.
Mathew Backholer was born in the 1970s and became a Christian as a child, committing his life to serving God in his early twenties. He is a revival historian, seasoned traveller, broadcaster, writer, author, researcher, editor and co-founder of ByFaith Media. In the late 1990s, Mathew studied at the Bible College of Wales under the Directorship of Samuel Rees Howells where he later worked as a staff member, carrying out various duties, including teaching English (TEFL), itinerant preaching and leading teams of students in outreaches, including weeks of evangelism.
As co-founder of ByFaith Media, Mathew researches and develops new books, contributes articles for the ByFaith website (www.ByFaith.org) and prepares for new TV projects with his brother Paul. Mathew has travelled to more than forty nations of the world carrying out research, executing missions and filming/presenting Christian TV and documentary projects. Mathew is also a guest speaker on Revelation TV.
Mathew is passionate about the Great Commission – to make disciples of Jesus in all nations by the power of the Holy Spirit. He has preached and taught at home and abroad, he is interdenominational in character, evangelical in outlook and has written more than twenty books.