Global Revival, Worldwide Outpourings documents forty-three visitations of the Holy Spirit, spanning four centuries, featuring revivals in thirty countries, from Argentina to Australia, Estonia to Eritrea and Jamaica to Japan. Discover some of the greatest revivals from around the globe that you've probably never heard of, from Canada to China and from to Egypt to Zimbabwe.
Learn about the amazing outpourings that have taken place around the world in our lifetime and how the Holy Spirit has moved in visitations from the past. The author explores the nature and concepts of revival around the world and poses the questions: How did the revivalists see revival? Is evangelism revival? Can we see revival today and if so how? He explores the Divine-human partnership, explains how revivals are birthed and reveals the fascinating links between missions and Christian revival.
Discover the waves of missions within Christendom and how evangelism and revival were integral forces to these movements. Find out how men and women participated in life changing events as they pursued God for the "greater things" in a spirit of holiness, in their fulfilment of the Great Commission.
Mathew Backholer was born in the 1970s and became a Christian as a child, committing his life to serving God in his early twenties. He is a revival historian, seasoned traveller, broadcaster, writer, author, researcher, editor and co-founder of ByFaith Media. In the late 1990s, Mathew studied at the Bible College of Wales under the Directorship of Samuel Rees Howells where he later worked as a staff member, carrying out various duties, including teaching English (TEFL), itinerant preaching and leading teams of students in outreaches, including weeks of evangelism.
As co-founder of ByFaith Media, Mathew researches and develops new books, contributes articles for the ByFaith website ( and prepares for new TV projects with his brother Paul. Mathew has travelled to more than forty nations of the world carrying out research, executing missions and filming/presenting Christian TV and documentary projects. Mathew is also a guest speaker on Revelation TV.
Mathew is passionate about the Great Commission – to make disciples of Jesus in all nations by the power of the Holy Spirit. He has preached and taught at home and abroad, he is interdenominational in character, evangelical in outlook and has written more than twenty books.