ashutosh kumar
It's all in your mind Read the book, really engage in it and understand you have nothing to give up, and everything to gain, a true eye opener that will cement your position on this planet as a happy, free, non smoker. Genius A real motivator Every excuse to smoke has been exploded in this book. Really makes you think about what on earth you are doing to yourself. I haven't become a non-smoker yet, but I believe I can.
Shiva Vinayak
Many experts believe smoking is only about 10 percent physical addiction and a whopping 90 percent psychological addiction. Your body will recover fairly quickly from nicotine withdrawals, but your psychological dependence on cigarettes can be much more difficult to defeat. This audio book offers practical tips to help you break your nicotine addiction and kick the cigarette habit for good. I loved it and it was helpful
Nazha Amen
I don't know why or how people get attached to this habit. I won't say this is a bad habit because if I do it would be in my perspective. I mean I am not a smoker, but I saw what it do to people and our children. Sometimes the schools are targets of this, and sometimes the female population is a target of this. There's no point in talking about men though, because they are in this way too deep. If you love yourself or you love your entire community and humanity you must take the decision on quitting smoking. If you are a novice to that, then I am recommending you this lovely audio book to listen.