Originally published in 1922, this classic children’s story tells the tale of a plush toy rabbit who was loved by a boy. Toys who are deeply and truly loved can become real.
Listen and you will discover why one rabbit’s journey has filled hearts and captivated imaginations for 100 years. This story, told by narrator April Doty, will be played again and again at bedtime.
Margery Williams Bianco (1881–1944) was an English-American author of popular children’s books. She became a professional writer at the age of nineteen, but didn’t achieve lasting fame until forty-one, when she published her best-known work, The Velveteen Rabbit, in 1922.
April Doty is a classically trained actress with a BFA in acting from Syracuse University. Born in Virginia, seasoned in London, and settled in Spain, April Doty brings the sound of a rich and varied life experience to her narration. April's voice is lively and engaging; she brings colorful, believable characters to life in a variety of genres, but especially YA, mystery and suspense, LGBT, and literary fiction. April works from her home studio on Spain's Costa del Sol. When she isn't narrating, she's writing, singing, or hiking in the mountains with her partner, Sarah.