Making a Killing: A Novel

Ā· DI Fawley series įˆ˜įŒ½įˆį 7 Ā· HarperAudio Ā· į‰ Emma Cunniffeį£ Lee Inglebyį£ David Blair įŠ„įŠ“ Alexandra Boulton į‹Øį‰°į‰°įˆØįŠØ
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į‹­įˆ… įˆ˜įŒ½įˆį į‰ 20 įˆœį‹­ 2025 įˆ‹į‹­ į‹ØįˆšįŒˆįŠ į‹­įˆ†įŠ“įˆį¢ įŠ„įˆµįŠØįˆšįˆˆį‰€į‰… į‹µįˆØįˆµ įŠ­įį‹« įŠ„įŠ•į‹²įŠØįįˆ‰ įŠ į‹­įŒ į‹Øį‰įˆį¢

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From theĀ New York TimesĀ bestselling author of the TikTok sensationĀ Murder in the FamilyĀ and the popular DI Adam Fawley series comes a brand-new gripping thriller in which a true-crime TV show turns up the heat on a controversial case from Fawleyā€™s past...

When Nick Vincent, producer of true-crime showĀ Infamous, hears about an explosive new angle on a high-profile caseā€”the 2016 murder of an eight-year-old girl in Oxfordā€”he leaps at the chance to send a researcher to verify the claims.

Two months later, a dog walker discovers a womanā€™s body, bound and buried in a shallow grave in the woods. Forensic evidence links the corpse to the disappearance of that same child.

DCI Adam Fawley, the original investigating officer, is called in to run the enquiry. And he remembers the case wellā€”he arrested the childā€™s mother for murder. A murder he now knows she didnā€™t commit.

The investigation raises more questions than answers. What connects the two crimes? Where has the dead girl been all these years? How did she manage to disappear? For Adam Fawley, this is personal...


Cara Hunter is the author of instant New York Times bestselling thriller Murder in the Family as well as the Sunday Times bestselling crime novels featuring DI Adam Fawley and his Oxford-based police team. Of those novels, Close to Home was shortlisted for Crime Book of the Year in the British Book Awards 2019 and No Way Out was selected by the Sunday Times as one of the 100 best crime novels since 1945. Caraā€™s books have sold more than a million copies worldwide. She lives in Oxford, on a street not unlike those featured in her books.

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į‰°įŒØįˆ›įˆŖ į‰ Cara Hunter

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