Alan's Holiday is underway, with a few friends tagging along.
Squirlik's new name had definitely been appreciated by his newly found followers. So, Alan was more than happy to take then out for a takeaway meal to celebrate. He had asked to visit Macaree's, and boy was it a good choice!
With an entourage like no other, he continues to follow his itinerary. In a familiar, but not quite the same world, as we know it.
Episode two of the comic 'Tales from the Bacon Buttie' series
******* Uses strong language that may offend ********
Contains Adult Content, and Non-Politically Correct subjects. Used within themes throughout the entire series. All opinions within are not necessarily those of the authors and publisher. They are only included as a part of the imagined world. In other words:
You have been warned...
Copyright Skip Fuller 2022
A cynical British guy, who loved the humour of times past.