In their groundbreaking book, Women Don’t Ask, Linda Babcock and Sara Laschever uncovered a startling fact: even women who negotiate brilliantly on behalf of others often falter when it comes to asking for themselves. Now they’ve developed the action plan that women all over the country requested–a guide to negotiation that starts before you get to the bargaining table.
ASK FOR IT explains why it’s essential to ask (men do it all the time) and teaches you how to ask effectively, in ways that feel comfortable to you as a woman. Whether you currently avoid negotiating like the plague or consider yourself hard-charging and fearless, Babcock and Laschever’s compelling stories of real women will help you recognize how much more you deserve–whether it’s a raise, that overdue promotion, an exciting new assignment, or even extra help around the house.
Their four-phase program, backed by years of research, will show you how to identify what you’re really worth, maximize your bargaining power, develop the best strategy for your situation, and manage the reactions and emotions that may arise–on both sides. Guided step-by-step, you’ll learn how to draw on your special strengths to open doors you thought were closed, reach agreements that benefit everyone involved–and propel yourself to new places both professionally and personally.