Ladybird Favourite Stories

· Ladybird · Daniel Weyman tomonidan hikoya qilingan
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Penguin presents the audio CD edition of Ladybird Favourite Stories read by Daniel Weyman.
This gorgeous Ladybird treasury of eight classic, traditional tales is guaranteed to delight and entertain young children. Each favourite fairy tale or story has been sensitively retold for modern readers and the lively mix of adventurous heroes, dastardly creatures and classic characters is perfect for young children everywhere.

The content includes Jack and the Beanstalk, The Elves and the Shoemaker, The Gingerbread Man, The Three Little Pigs, Sly Fox and Red Hen, Town Mouse and Country Mouse, The Pied Piper of Hamelin and The Three Billy Goats Gruff.

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Muallif haqida

We make growing up the best story ever! Here at Ladybird, we publish playful books for little hands. From touch-and-feel books to bedtime stories and non-fiction, we help 0-7s to learn, play and grow - sparking plenty of smiles along the way. The home of Ten Minutes to Bed, Baby Touch, Peppa Pig and Hey Duggee, we know just how to capture curious little imaginations and guide them from one story to the next.

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Ladybird – boshqa kitobllari

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Hikoya qiluvchi: Daniel Weyman