Attention: Detective Kelvin Moby, we have a serious situation.
Sydney Van Citra was attacked as he returned to Armstrong Station. Your mission is to find out who is behind the attack on the Van Citra Earth compound and Sydney Van Citra’s shuttle. Mr. Van Citra blames the notorious space pirate Visi Crubs, leader of the Apollo Nation. You are to investigate this further and bring the perpetrator to justice.
You have our full support and we will do everything we can to help you in your investigation.
Matt Grimmer, Head of Solar Enforcement will contact you for more information.
Kelvin Moby stared at the message from Solar Enforcement HQ. He was being recalled from his vacation. As he re-read the assignment, he wasn’t so sure that the Apollo Nation was the culprit behind the Van Citra attacks.
Armstrong Station is the city on Earth’s moon, home to many businesses and organizations, including the Van Citra Corporation.
Recently, the Van Citra Conglomerate has been the victim of several crimes, including the attack on the Van Citra Earth compound, a break-in at Sydney’s residence, and an attack on Sydney’s shuttle as he fled earth for the moon along with the sudden reappearance of a dangerous serial killer.
Sydney Van Citra, the head of the Van Citra Corporation, has been the target of these crimes, and he blames the notorious space pirate Visi Crubs, leader of the Apollo Nation. Detective Kelvin Moby is assigned to investigate the crimes, but he isn’t so sure Crubs is responsible.
Crubs escaped after getting the smuggled flamingos off Mireside but it soon becomes clear there is a traitor within the Apollo Nation.
Rosemary Deathly takes a job with a delivery service at Armstrong Station and Max Imus is there looking for work as a freelance programmer when Rosemary becomes the target of the Armstrong Station serial killer.
Who is behind these crimes? And what is their ultimate goal?
L. A. McGarvey is a goat wrestling, loader driving, horseback riding author with a unique sense of humour.