Knights & Dragons MC Books 1-3

· Harlequin Audio · Patrick Zeller आणि C.J. Bloom द्वारे सुनावणी
हे बुक ३ जून, २०२५ रोजी उपलब्‍ध होईल. ते रिलीझ होईपर्यंत तुम्‍हाला शुल्‍क आकारले जाणार नाही.

या ऑडिओबुकविषयी

The Knights of Fury and the Wind Dragons MCs come together in New York Times bestselling author Chantal Fernando’s gritty series.

Decker's Dilemma
Wind Dragon princess Cara and ex-cop Decker will have to cross every line to be together—including the law.

It was a typical PI gig: track down the client’s newly discovered half sister. For ex-cop Seth Decker, finding Cara Ward was the easy part. Walking away from the sexy schoolteacher is going to be a whole different story.

Cara thought she had the road ahead all mapped out—she’d be a biker’s old lady, straddling a Harley behind the man she fell for in her teens. But she’s all grown up. And while the Wind Dragons will always be family, Cara wants something more, something for herself. Decker may not be a biker, but that means his woman will always come first.

Once an MC princess, always an MC princess, though. When Cara’s connection to the Wind Dragons puts her in the line of fire from a gang out for revenge, Decker realizes the safest place for her is by his side. After all, there’s nothing he won’t do to protect the woman he loves. Even if it means crossing the line of the law he once swore to uphold.

Rhett Redeemed
Life is about choices. He had a history of making bad ones.

United with her newly discovered half sister, Constance Wilder finally has a family. She should be happy, but she’s not. Instead, she’s even lonelier, which is why a one-night stand with a sexy biker is just what she needs. A few hours of wild sex won’t just bring her pleasure—it will help her forget.

Rhett did what was necessary to step into his role as leader of the Wind Dragons MC, which included cutting ties with the woman he loved. He wouldn’t change it, but that doesn’t make it easier. Thankfully, the beautiful woman across the bar is a welcome distraction. He never expected her to light a spark inside him, leaving him wanting more.

Constance falls hard for Rhett. Not only is she pretty sure he’s her soul mate, but he’s the one person she has connected to in a long time. But when it is revealed that Rhett is her sister’s ex, Constance is faced with losing her newly found family, making happily-ever-after seem damn near impossible.

Answering Atlas
He was everything she didn't want and exactly what she needed.

The daughter of the infamous Rake from the Wind Dragons MC, lawyer Natalie Ward knows all too well the problems that come with getting involved with a biker. That’s not for her—she’ll stick to suits over leather. And nothing will change her mind, especially not a sexy, built-like-a-Greek-god biker that rides for the Knights of Fury, another MC.

Atlas is on a manhunt to find a rival gang leader and the last thing he needs is a distraction. But when he runs into Natalie at a bar with all her strength and beauty wrapped in a power suit, he can’t look away. He wants to forget her and running into her at every corner in town doesn’t make it easier. Being with her is impossible, but it’s the only thing that makes sense.

When Atlas helps her get out of a difficult situation, Natalie can no longer ignore their growing attraction. But when a common enemy of both their clubs becomes a client at her law firm, she finds herself pulled into the very world she’s sought to avoid…


Chantal Fernando is the New York Times, USA Today and Amazon Bestselling Author of numerous novels, including Maybe This Time, The Wind Dragons MC Series, The Cursed Ravens MC and many more. Born in Sri Lanka, Chantal moved to Western Australia as a child, where she still resides. At age thirty two, Chantal has published over thirty novels, and has no intention of slowing down. When not reading, writing or daydreaming, she can be found enjoying life with her three sons and family.

ऐकण्याविषयी माहिती

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