This book contains several titles, which are:
Shinto of Ancient Japan - The Shinto religion is a mystery to many. There is no real founder, there are many gods and deities that are worshipped, and something about spiritualism and spirits in nature that most people can’t quite put their finger on.
Ancient China - It’s hard to cover all of China’s vast history in a short book, but for the sake of leaving out details, we will still give it a try. In this guide, you will be able to learn more about the most important turning events, eras, dynasties, leaders, wars, and cultural aspects of ancient China.
Ninjas of Ancient Japan - The ancient Ninjas in Japan have fueled stories, movies, books and other media to go on and on about the sneaky assassins that terrorized their country. Today, you and I will go in-depth into this topic and find out more about the truth.
Samurai of Ancient Japan - What did the samurai in Japan do? How did they begin? And what was so typical or different about them? These and many other questions will be answered in this quick guide that will cover all the basics of the famous samurai warriors in ancient Japan.
Confucius - Confucius was a Chinese thinker and political leader who was considered as the apotheosis of Chinese sages. Confucius' theories and philosophy, commonly seen as one of the most essential and prominent individuals in human history, created the structure of East Asian civilization and civilization, and stay appropriate across China and East Asia today.
Chinese Mythology You've probably heard about Greek or Roman folklore, and even of Egyptian gods and goddesses, but have you heard about Chinese folklore? Let's explore this subject in quick, in this succinct book.