Keep Travelinā€™, Rider

Ā· Blackstone Audio Inc. Ā· į‰ William Dufris į‹Øį‰°į‰°įˆØįŠØ
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Tack Gentry has been away for a year when he returns to the familiar buildings of his uncle John Gentryā€™s G Bar. To his amazement, the ranch has a new owner, who is unimpressed when Tack explains that his uncle was a Quaker, didnā€™t believe in violence, and never carried a gun. His advice to Tack is to make tracks. But Tack has other plans.


Louis Lā€™Amour (1908ā€“1988) was an American author whose Western stories are loved the world over. Born in Jamestown, North Dakota, he was the most decorated author in the history of American letters. In 1982 he was the first American author ever to be awarded a Special National Gold Medal by the United States Congress for lifetime literary achievement, and in 1984 President Reagan awarded him the Medal of Freedom, the highest civilian honor in the nation. He was also a recipient of the Theodore Roosevelt Rough Rider Award.

William Dufris began his audio career in London, England. He co-found the audio production company The Story Circle, Ltd in the UK. In the US, he founded Mindā€™s Eye Productions and co-founded Rocky Coast Radio Theatre in addition to The AudioComics Company, for which he is producer, director, actor and engineer. Durfis was nominated six times as a finalist for the APA's prestigious Audie Awards. He garnered eighteen Golden Earphones Awards through AudioFile magazine, which honored him as one of The Best Voices at the End of the Century. Of his work, AudioFile said, "William Dufris commands a dazzling array of voices that bring to life the dozens of audiobooks heā€™s narrated." His audiobook credits include many of Newt Gingrich and William R. Forstchen, Ph.D.'s works, such as Days of Infamy and Pearl Harbor, in addition to George McGovernā€™s Abraham Lincoln, Neal Stephensonā€™s Cryptonomicon and John Scalziā€™s The Ghost Bridges. Dufris acted on stage and in television and is best known as the original North American voice of the cartoon character Bob in Nickelodeon's popular children's show, Bob the Builder. Additionally, he worked with legendary director Dirk Maggs on his audio drama productions of Spider-Man.

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į‰°įŒØįˆ›įˆŖ į‰ Louis Lā€™Amour

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į‰ William Dufris į‹Øį‰°į‰°įˆØįŠØ