"Silicon and Rare Earth: The Global Contest for Semiconductor and Rare Earth Supremacy" delves into the high-stakes struggle between global powers for dominance in the realms of semiconductors and rare earth elements. As the backbone of modern technology and the driving force behind innovation, these industries have become critical battlegrounds for geopolitical leverage and technological supremacy. In the midst of a global technological cold war, this book offers a comprehensive analysis of the challenges, opportunities, and strategies that nations must navigate to secure their positions in these rapidly evolving markets.
From China's meteoric rise in the semiconductor industry to its strategic monopoly on rare earth elements, this book examines the historical context, environmental impacts, and geopolitical implications of these developments. With an emphasis on the vulnerabilities and risks faced by the United States and the West, it explores the race to secure alternative sources, the importance of international alliances and partnerships, and the role of research and development in fostering innovation and competitiveness.
Drawing on decades of research, ‘Silicon and Rare Earth’ provides a roadmap for policymakers, industry leaders, and other stakeholders seeking to understand and shape the future of these vital industries. Through a combination of rigorous analysis, case studies, and forward-looking recommendations, this book offers a timely and essential guide to navigating the battle for control in the semiconductor and rare earth industries, amid the broader context of global commerce and international relations in the era of Sino-American decoupling.
Josh is a data scientist and a prolific author of books on artificial intelligence, geopolitics, finance and cybersecurity. With several books on these subjects under his belt, Josh has established himself as a thought leader in the field. His most recent books, “Silent Wars: Espionage, Sabotage, and the Covert Battles in Cyberspace”, AGI Architects: Building a Symbiotic Civilization with Superintelligent Systems", “Algorithmic Warfare: The Rise of Autonomous Weapons”, and “The Geopolitics of Artificial Intelligence: Strategic Implications of AI for Global Security” highlight his deep understanding of the historically unprecedented impact that artificial intelligence is poised to have on the future of the human race. His books have been praised for their practical advice and actionable insights, making them must-reads for anyone looking to gain a better understanding of the implications of emerging technologies for our society, our environment, and our future.
In addition to being an author, Josh is the host of Innovate Now: The Pulse of Future Technologies, a podcast that explores the fascinating world of emerging technologies and the future of innovation by delving into the most groundbreaking advancements in artificial intelligence, fintech, distributed and quantum computing, the AI arms race, and the tech start-up ecosystem. Josh is also a seasoned practitioner. He is the founder of a number of startup companies including one that is focused on AI research and another that provides cybersecurity consulting services, and performs penetration testing engagements.
Josh is committed to staying at the forefront of the rapidly evolving field of emerging technologies. His expertise and passion have made him a sought-after speaker and consultant, and his contributions have been widely recognized and appreciated. Whether through his books, his work with clients, or his field assignments, Josh continues to inspire and educate others in the hope of making a lasting impact on the world of artificial intelligence and cybersecurity. If you're looking for practical and actionable insights be sure to check out Josh’s other manuscripts and join his community of readers and followers.